Parceria Estratégica entre a Marinha e a Arsenal do Alfeite, S.A. - Programa Intersetorial de Renovação da Esquadra

On the 27th of November, in the morning, in Sala Arsenal, a series of presentations took place within the scope of the Intersectoral Program for the Renewal of the Police Station. 

The panel of speakers consisted of the CMG ECN Rodrigues Mateus – Head of the Frigates Modernization Program (class B.Dias and V.Gama), and of the New Generation Frigates Program; CMG M Sardinha Monteiro – Head of the Armada General Staff Planning Division (EMA); CMG EN-MEC Rebocho Antunes – Head of the Materials Division of the EMA and also had the presence of the CMG EN-MEC Andrade Santos – Head of Staff of the Vice Admiral Superintendent of Material.  

Following the presentations, a meeting was held between the representatives of the Navy and the Administrators and Directors of Arsenal do Alfeite, S.A, and various topics were discussed within the scope of the strategic partnership between the Navy and AASA. 

On December 3rd, the meetings of the Strategic Alignment Coordination Group between the Navy and AASA (GC-AEMA) continued.
